Monday, February 18, 2019

Toggle Clasps

Toggle Clasps

Toggle clasps are an easy clasp design for beaders to use in the jewelry creations.  And, toggle clasps are perfect for bracelets and necklace clasps alike.  They do come in a huge variety of designs and styles and colors too.  Getting the clasp to match whatever design your doing is not going to be impossible.  Clasps are what holds your design together, and it should be an important part of deciding on what design to use.  There are owl toggle clasps and floral toggle clasps, simple designs or art deco and everything in between.  If you need a great clasp design, try a toggle clasp, you certainly won't be disappointed. 
Toggle Clasps
Deciding which of the toggle clasps you'd like to try can be hard.  However, it's easy to break down the process.  First, what color metal are you working with, if you don't have any project in mind, what color do you normally work with.  Some people tend to go more silver and others tend to go more gold.  This is important when deciding what clasps to purchase.  Of course, working in both colors is entirely possible.  If you make your jewelry to sell, using both colors makes sense.  And, having a bunch of clasps at your disposal when you are ready to design make sense.
Toggle clasps are one of the most inexpensive clasp designs available.  They come in a ton of different colors.  And, are easy to use.  Some people prefer them due to the dainty look they have.  However, toggle clasps are not always easy to put on.  They should not be used for elderly designs either. 

Toggle Clasps for Bracelet Clasp Designs

Toggle clasps are great for bracelet clasp designs.  But, they do make better necklace clasps as you can use two hands freely to put on.  Bracelet clasps will need assistance from other people in order to function in most cases.  Some people can put on a toggle clasp with ease, however, this isn't the case for everyone.  If you think a toggle clasp is right for you, try one!  It's not that expensive to try and see.  Toggle clasps have less likely to break than magnetic clasps, as the magnetic clasp is glued in and sometimes comes loose.  Everyone has their favorite style of clasp.  And, there is no real right answer on which design is best.  Try out a few if you are new to jewelry making and see what you like. There are all kinds of different clasp designs out there and the one for you is waiting.
Other clasp designs to consider are s-hook clasps, spring ring clasps, lobster, magnetic, fold over, fold over magnetic and many more.  You can even make your own toggles with beads or make a button style clasp if you are bead weaving. There is so much you can do with beads that it really is up to your creativity.


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